maandag 23 maart 2015

Transfers! (how did it go by so fast?! O.o)

Maandag 2 maart 2015

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey allemaal!!! 

Well, het nieuws waarop jullie allemaal hebben zitten wachten!!! TRANSFERS! :D

Sister Quiles and Sister Bates are both leaving me behind!!! So I'm taking over the area and I'll find out tomorrow who my new companion is going to be! Aaah, I'm wondering who is going to kill me!

And then I found out that the Avenues is getting whitewashed, weeeeeeeh!!! :( Sad day... :(

Last week we had a great week! Well, actually...there were A LOT of ups and downs!!! A lot a lot...

Up to the point that I just wanted to cry, because I didn't know what to do anymore. But then we had some amazing things happen too! Tuesday we had a training on our mobile devices (or in President Eberhardt's own words: everybody knows they're Ipads; why don't we just call them Ipads, hahaha).
Honestly, I wasn't excited, AT ALL! I was afraid of all the temptation that would come into the mission and when we were at family services we would see missionaries from other Salt Lake missions and they would be on their Mobile Devices all the time, and I don't want to be like that. So, kortom, I wasn't excited. So at the beginning of the training I prayed and prayed that I would receive I testimony through the Spirit to know for myself if this would be the right thing for our mission at this time. Throughout the whole training we didn't even touch or see an Ipad. All we talked about was the spiritual aspect of the new technology. How this is going to prepare us to learn how to use technology wisely after our missions so we can continue the Lord's work forever.
They talked about how the Lord shows us His trust in us through this. This is all about change and learning how to be in tune with the Spirit even more and to learn self-control and self-mastery. It was sooo spiritual and it has changed me forever!
Then yesterday we fasted as a mission for our mission goal of a 1080 baptisms by the end of July, and as we were fasting at Church one of our former investigators that had fallen off the face of the earth (not literally... :P) showed up at Church totally out of the blue!!! :D WHAAAAAA!!! :D He is struggling right now, so he got a blessing from the Elders Quorum president and one of our ward missionaries and in his blessing it said that he should start meeting with us again and start reading and praying daily again! WHOAAAAT?! :D Crazy, huh?! Then 3 of our less-actives came to church! :D so, I can testify to you that fasting brings miracles! I love how Heavenly Father knows our hearts and the desire of our hearts :) 

I will miss my two little sisters, but I know the Lord's will is what's best :) but still...I just love them so much...they have truly become my friends and my sisters...

I love all of you so much and hope that you may continue to witness miracles as well! 

I love y'all and may the Spirit be with you!

Lots of Love
Sister Spijkerman <3

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