Een hele goede avond allemaal!!!! :D
Last week we had soooo much fun! It's been a great, great week!!! First of all, our dear friend had his baptismal interview and he passed! Well, I didn't expect anything else, since he is an innocent 12 year old, but still! :D So he is getting baptized this Saturday!!!! Wooohoooo!!! We're sooo excited! Then our other investigator had an interview with president Eberhardt last week and he passed as well! :D And he is also getting baptized this Saturday!!!!!!!!! I am SOOOO happy!!!! And it's right before transfers, so I'll still be here! :D
Sister Guy was this Indian snake lady or something. Elder Mohlman was George Washington and Elder Lins was Mark (or Marc O.o) Anthony :) And sister Bryner had this HUGE fake spider and it scared the heck out of me, so when she pulled it out I screamed like crazy and that caused Elder Lins to scream, hahaha. I kind of scared him.... :)
Last week we also had interviews with president and it was wonderful! He asked me in which area I felt like I learned the most and I told him that I learned different lessons in both of 'my' areas, so I couldn't really tell him where I've learned the most.
I can't believe transfers is coming up again! Finally when things are starting to get going is when transfers hit! Whaaaaa! And we have a baptism 5 days after transfers! I just loooove this area!
Yesterday when I realized that it could be my second to last Sunday in these wards I just started crying... But I'll go where the Lord wants me to go :) but I think thats about all the highlights I can think of!
We're just soooo blessed with so much work to do and sooo many people to teach! :D And of course baptisms!!! It's soooo exciting to see when people get it! :) I LOVE my mission here in Salt Lake City SO much! I am sooo happy that I got to serve in the Utah Salt Lake City East Mission! :) I know many of you will disagree with me, but it is truly the BEST mission in the world! :) Sorry :P
I love you all! I'm soo grateful for all you do and for the beautiful individuals you are! God gave us families to help us become what He wants us to be. This is how He shares His love for the family is of God. (it's a new primary song that I just absolutely LOVE) :) Raise your voice and testify, that the world may see the light. Anyone can make a difference! you can make a difference! Light your candle, hold the light high, that the world may see your light!
Lots and Lots of Love
Sister Spijkerman
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