Maandag 4 januari 2015
Heeeeey allemaal!
Happy new yeaaaaar! :D I have to keep it short today :)
But I have to tell you a couple cool stories :D
First of all, on new year's eve we went to some members'
homes, so that was a lot of fun. Bishop Drysdale invited us to come over, since
he knew how to make oliebollen! :D muahahahha :D So I actually did have some
oliebollen :D That night we had dinner with one of our
WML's. We made pannenkoeken for them :D It actually tasted pretty good,
hahaha! Can you believe that?! :) Anyways, on Tuesday it was soooooo cold here!
It was storming outside, so the wind was blowing like crazy! The trash cans had
fallen over, so there was trash flying around everywhere and there was snow
everywhere. Later on we found out that because of the wind it was like -20 F
outside O.o so that is like -29 Celsius.... so like I said: it was pretty cold
:3 Bbut you gotta do what you gotta do! :) Satan is not going to stop working
because of a snowstorm, so we better get out there as well! :)
The next day it
was still a little bit cold, like 16 F (-8 Celsius), we walked everywhere
and it was sooo good! Because if it wasn't for that we wouldn't have had the
miracle that I'm about to tell you!!! :D We were walking down the street to
stop by a member that we promised to stop by. As we were walking we saw an
elderly man shoveling snow, so we stopped and offered to help him. He turned
out to be a member and we asked him for referrals and stuff. But no results
from that. After our conversation we continued walking and decided to knock on
a potential investigator's door. We could see them inside, but they didn't
answer the door. Then somebody walks by and asks us if we are the sister
missionaries! So we're like: yeeees!!! We are the sisters!!! :D She asked
us where her ward would be and we looked it up and told her. She was about
to continue walking her dog, but the Spirit hit me and was like: 'ask her if
she is a member'. To be honest, that question would have never come to my mind,
because if people want to know where their ward is they usually would be
members that recently moved in or something. Anyways, the Spirit knows
best, so I asked her if she was a member. Then she responded: Actually, I'm
not. But I'd like to be one!
So we're freaking out of course! :D So I got so excited that
I probably screamed at her, saying: We can help you with that!!! :D :D :D
And she was like: oh really?!!! And we're like: YEAH!!! :D
So yeah, kind of a crazy week huh?! :D But it's been so great!
Miracles are happening and the work is moving forward! :D
My time is pretty much up, so I will leave you with my
testimony that I know that God is a God of miracles, that sacrifice brings
forth the blessings of heaven, that Christ lives, that He is our Savior and
that all He wants for us is to be happy and return home :)
Lots and Lots of Love
Sister Spijkerman <3