Maandag 30 maart 2015
Goodmorning/evening my beloved family!
Wow, it's been quite a week!
We went to the Jordan River
temple on Tuesday morning and it was AMAZING! I miss the temple so so much...In
the Celestial Room a brother explained to me some of the symbolism in the
temple. He said it took him a long time to discover some of it, but he told
me he comes to the temple EVERY day! :D Lucky him! I learned a lot from him :)
Wednesday I went on exchanges with Sister Case, and that was absolutely
awesome! We walked a lot, laughed a lot, talked to a lot of people, and had
some crazy funny experiences!
For example we started talking to this guy on the
street. So we shook his hand and he kind of kept walking, and I kept asking him
questions, asked if he'd met with missionaries before, etc. He said he had,
and when I asked him what his experience was he said he couldn't remember (O.o)
and that he was in a hurry to get to his appointment. So we kept walking and
started tracting a certain street and then we saw the same guy coming out of
his house ten minutes later....hahahahahha XD Yup, he was definitely in a hurry
to get to an appointment! Busted, haahahha! It was pretty funny.... :)
missionary work is just the best. Yesterday I realized that for the most part
the joy of missionary work comes from sharing the Gospel. Not the results
that come from it! That night we didn't have a dinner appointment, so we had
three different kinds of cereal for dinner :) It was awesome!
Thursday we
had Zone Conference!!! :D I had to give a training with Sister Crotts on the
Miscellaneous use for Mobile Devices, which is like the biggest joke EVER,
because I don't even know how to use an Ipad myself... But it went surprisingly
well, since we had an open discussion with all the missionaries on what we
could do on our mobile devices to do effective missionary work.
Eberhardt gave an amazing training about staying active after our missions. I
loved one of the things she said: 'Do not get life in your way!!!' Always put
visiting teaching etc first before homework and other stuff. It was amazing! On
Friday we had a mission devotional and Elder Allen of the missionary department
and the Utah area president came to speak to us and he spoke a lot about
repentance and the Atonement. He gave us 8 questions to ponder:
1. What gifts/treasures have I given to the Savior?
2. Do all of my sins have a cloak?
3. What are my temptations?
4. What have you forsaken?
5. In what ways do I forsake Him and flee?
6. What are my spiritual gifts and how am I seeking after
7. If the Savior were to come to you and would ask you
'Lovest thou me more than these?', what would your 'these' be?
8. What kind of a disciple am I?
This week I'm going to ponder and work on these questions
and I would invite all of you to do the same :) It was a great spiritual moment! What I loved the most about that evening was being united and gathered as a
mission and being one in heart, mind, spirit and purpose. Before the devotional
we took a mission picture outside and we sang our mission song "Brightly
Beams Our Father's Mercy". It still gives me chills thinking about it
Saturday we got locked out of our car, because the keys feel
out of Sister Kreiberg's bag, so they were still in the car when we locked
it...hahahahha. missionary life... Went to the Conference Center with
a recent convert. The Women's Conference was absoutely wonderful!
My favorite talk was from sister Oscarson! :)
Wow, that was a long email... :D And I got tons of pictures
too! :D
I love y'all so much!!!
Lots and Lots of Love
Sister Spijkerman